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Thursday, September 25, 2008

UPDATED Master List of Wind Energy Stocks

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Publicly-traded Wind Power Stocks & Company Websites

AAER Wind Energy (TSX-V) Canadian windpower stock

Acciona Windpower (ANA.MC)

AeroVironment (AVAV) rooftop wind energy systems

American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) wind and solar power convertors and superconductors

America's Wind Energy Corporation (OTC: AWNE)

A-Power Energy Generation Systems (APWR), formerly China Energy Tech

Babcock & Brown Wind Partners (ASX: BBW BBWPF.PK)

Boralex Wind Power (TSE: BLX) wind farm operator

Broadwind Energy Corp Official Company website (BWEN.OB)

Canadian Hydro Developers (TSX: KHD) - Wind Energy and Renewable Power Producer

China High Speed Transmission Equipment Group Co., (CHSTF) Ltd.

Cleanfield Energy Corp (TSX:AIR)

Clipper Windpower (CWPR.L) wind turbine manufacturer

Dakshidin Wind (DKSC) - RESTEC water pumping windmills

Duke Energy Corporation windpower and natural gas

EDF Energies Nouvelle (EEN.PA) english website

EDP Renovaveis (EDPR.LB) - Brazil and Iberia clean renewable energy producer

First Wind Energy (WNDY) company website, 2008 windpower IPO

Gamesa Corp (GAM.MC) wind company website in english

GE Power Wind Energy website

Greentech, Denmark-based windpower development company

Hansen Transmissions International NV (HSN) wind turbine gearbox manufacturer

Iberdola Renovables official company website in english (NASD: ITRI) Energy and Water Resource Management

Juhl Wind Inc. (JUHL.OB) - Community windpower leader

Kaydon Corp (KDN) - Leading manufacturer of bearings for wind turbines

Maxwell Technologies (MXWL) wind turbine ultracapacitors

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHVYF)

Nacel Energy (NCEN.OB) USA, Caribbean and Latin America wind power

Naikun Wind Energy (NKW) Canada-based wind power and natural gas

Nordex Group (eiNDX1) - German Wind Energy Company

Novera Energy PLC (LSE:NVE) - UK wind power producer

Otter Tail Corporation (OTTR) wind tower manufacturer

Plambeck Holding (eiPNE3) - German Wind Energy Park and Biogas Plant Owner / Manager

REPower Systems AG (RPW.DE), German wind turbine manufacturer

SkyPower Wind Energy Fund - Canadian wind energy company

Suzlon Energy (SUZL) windpower company

Theolia (eQ18481) - France-based Windpower and Biogas power plant developer

Trinity Industries (TRN) wind energy tower manufacturer

Vestas Wind Systems (VWSYF)

Welwind Energy Intl (WWEI.OB) developer of wind farms in China

Western Wind Energy (WND: TSX.V)

Wind Energy America (OTC:WNEA) USA wind farm developer

Windflow Technology Ltd (NZAX:WTL), New Zealand wind turbine designer / manufacturer

Xcel Energy Inc (XEL) diversified USA power producer, wind farm developer

Xinjiang Goldwind Sci & Tech Co - China wind turbine manufacturer, official company website

Zoltek Cos (ZOLT) - Carbon Fiber Manufacturer, Aerospace Composites stock

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