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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hy-Drive (HGS-V) sells 18 Units to Waste Management

Note the final paragraph, as these trucks put on a lot of miles and will pique the curiosity of other trucking firms:

Hy-Drive is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement for delivery of eighteen (18) of its Hydrogen Generating System (HGS) units to Ontario Waste Management (“OWM”), a division of Courtice Auto Wreckers Ltd., of Oshawa, Ontario. Hy-Drive will be installing the HGS units on OWM trucks over the next several weeks as trucks become available.

Working closely with a team from Hy-Drive, OWM completed a rigorous series of testing trials based on a standard SAE Type IV protocol. The trials, which occurred over a period of two months, mapped engine performance over consistent long-haul runs, using the same drivers with tightly controlled fuelling and the use of control vehicles. To ensure precise, meaningful and realistic comparative evaluation of engine performance, with and without the use of HGS, additional environmental considerations such as temperature, altitude, humidity and wind were also factored into the data collection.

Harvey (Skip) Ambrose, President and Owner of OWM commented, “I am absolutely convinced that Hy-Drive’s technology does significantly reduce fuel consumption and simultaneously lower particulate emissions based upon the empirical proof seen from the recently completed comprehensive testing. We are very pleased that this will allow us to get meaningful savings and reduce the environmental impact of our fleet of waste haulage trucks in Ontario.”

“OWM realized fuel improvement and opacity emission reductions equal to or greater than those previously reported,” said Hugo Sørensen, President and CEO of Hy-Drive. “We very much look forward to continuing to work with Skip Ambrose and OWM as leading early adopters of our HGS technology.”

Simultaneously, Hy-Drive will be implementing a significant on-road advertising campaign with OWM to increase the awareness of Hy-Drive’s HGS product.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 Best Alternative Energy Stocks for 2010

Here are ten top renewable power and clean energy technology companies to consider investing in for the longterm (risk-averse and more conservative longterm investors should consider adding green energy mutual funds into a judicious and well-diversified asset mix):

1. AMSC - American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) is an energy technology solutions company, providing products and services based on two technologies: programmable power electronic converters and high temperature superconductor (HTS) wires. The two primary markets it serves are the wind energy market and the power transmission and distribution or efficient power grid market.

American Superconductor AMSC stock research

2. BOM: 532667 - Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL) is an India-based wind power company. The Company is engaged in the manufacture of wind turbine generators (WTGs) of various capacities and its components.

Suzlon Energy leading global wind energy company

3. CSIQ - Canadian Solar Inc. (CSI) is a designer and manufacturer of photovoltaic solar cell and module products. CSIQ manufactures in China, and markets its products under its Canadian Solar brand name and to original equipment manufacturing customers under their brand names. It also implements solar power development projects, primarily in conjunction with government organizations.

Canadian Solar stock company website link

4. LON-CWP - Clipper Windpower PLC (Clipper) is engaged in the design, engineering and manufacturing of advanced wind turbines and developing wind energy projects, including engineering, construction, and plant operation. The Company also retains partial ownership in certain wind energy projects. It manufactures the 2.5 megawatts Liberty wind turbine and actively develops wind power generating projects in the Americas and Europe.

Clipper Windpower PLC, CWP UK wind energy company

5. CVE:WND - Western Wind Energy Corp. (Western Wind) owns two wind energy electrical generation facilities and is developing wind energy projects in California and Arizona. WND currently owns over 500 wind turbines with 34.5 MW of rated capacity and a further 131MW of expansion power purchase agreements in the States ofCalifornia and Arizona.

Western Wind Energy WND company website link

6. YGE - Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (Yingli Green Energy) is a vertically integrated photovoltaic (PV) solar energy manufacturer in China. YGE designs, manufactures and sells PV modules and designs, assembles, sells and installs PV solar power systems, and markets to PV system integrators and distributors located in various markets worldwide, including Spain, Germany, the United States and China.

Yingli Solar YGE company information

7. ORA - Ormat Technologies, Inc. (Ormat) is engaged in the geothermal and recovered energy power business. The Company designs, develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal recovered energy-based power plants, usually using equipment that it designs and manufactures. The Company develops, builds, owns and operates geothermal and recovered energy-based power plants in the United States and geothermal power plants in other countries around the world, and sells the electricity generated by these plants.

Ormat Geothermal ORA official company website

8. APWR - A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. (A-Power) is a renewable energy company in China, engaged in providing onsite distributed power generation systems and micro power grids for industrial companies. The size of its projects range from 5 megawatt to 400 megawatt and allow its customers, which require heavy electrical input, to recapture previously wasted heat and gas from their manufacturing processes to generate electricity.

A-Power Energy distributed power generation in China

9. AOS - A. O. Smith Corporation is a manufacturer of water heating equipment and electric motors, serving a diverse mix of residential, commercial and industrial end markets principally in the United States.

A O Smith water heating and electric motor technology company

10. OTC: SHCAY (Sharp Corp ADR) - Sharp Corporation is a Japan-based company engaged in the manufacture and sale of electronic telecommunication devices, electronic machines and components. The Company operates in two business divisions. The Sharp Solar division is a world-leading alternative energy manufacturer.

Sharp Corp global electronics company

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Windpower and Green Energy stocks investing news

October 2009 Alternative Energy Investments News

Ontario wind energy industry surging forward

Samsung, GE and other major international wind turbine manufacturers have found Ontario Canada to be fertile ground for windpower development, so much so that the provincial government has had to temporarily halt applications so it has time to review the flood of existing apps.

After being inundated with over 100 applications representing over 500 projects, Ontario's Ministry of Natural resources has temporarily frozen applications, at least until March 2010:

Central to the Toronto GTA, the Toronto Hydro wind energy development proposal beginning along the Scarboro waterfront will begin with a wind research platform 1.2 kilometres offshore, with construction beginning next week. Toronto Hydro hopes to build 60 wind turbines along a 25 km stretch of Toronto's waterfront, allowing the utility to add emission-free power and the city to make strides towards its global climate change commitments.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9 Smart Grid Stock Investments

Here are 9 ways to play the fast-growing smart electricity grid sector:

Cisco (CSCO) - Cisco is known for it's internet router and network business, and it is estimated by CSCO that smart grid technology and systems may be worth up to $20 billion a year for 5 years for the industry.

ComVerge (COMV) - Comverge, Inc. is a clean energy company providing electricity demand management solutions in the form of peaking and base load capacity to electric utilities, grid operators and related electricity markets.

Echelon Corporation (ELON) - Echelon Corporation develops, markets, and sells system and network infrastructure products that enable various devices, such as air conditioners, appliances, electricity meters, light switches, thermostats, and valves to be made smart and inter-connected.

EnerNOC (ENOC) - EnerNOC designs and implements response solutions for electricity grid operators and electric utilities.

Itron Inc (ITRI) - provides a portfolio of products and services to utilities for the energy and water markets throughout the world. The Company is a provider of metering, data collection and software, which alerts people to their energy consumption changes.

RuggedCom (RUGGF.PK) - RuggedCom designs communication applications for rugged and remote environments such as electric utility substations. This communication equipment embedded at various points of the grid is also critical in building a smart transmission and distribution system.


Consolidated Edison (ConEd), has put in for $172 million in stimulus funds under the government's Smart Grid Investment Grant Program. ConEd (NYSE:ED) is expected to ask for another $33 million by September, and it has a pilot program ready to go in Queens.

Duke Energy (NYSE:DUK) has a billion-buck smart grid plan for Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. In August, Duke applied for $200 million from Washington to nudge its new meter installations forward in those states. In Ohio, the company wants to convert 600,000 homes to smart metering by 2012. Duke's going even bigger in Indiana, where 800,000 is the target.

National Grid (NYSE:NGG) is headquartered in the United Kingdom, but their focus is Washington and the USA. National Grid has applied for $200 million in federal stimulus to expand its knowledge systems in both electricity conservation systems and natural gas metering.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ontario's New Wind Energy Regulations onerous and overdone

Contravening their own recent Green Energy legislation, new requirements stipulating that wind towers be 550 metres from residences and 120 metres from roads and railways are threatening many projects ready to go and causing others to be re-evaluated. I am in full agreement that some regulation is required, but my preference is that new wind farms and wind lines be built close to civilization, to roads, railways and existing transmission lines. As a longtime proponent of the "wind line" concept (rectangular land is not required, just a windy right-of-way"), the idea that all of our turbines need to be at this distance is absurd.

Let's get closer to reality:

Under 1 megawatt - 75 metres

50 meters is the standard minimum distance housing is from major highways; machines at this output are already quiet. An additional requirement be the wind towers be a minimum of their height plus 15 metres from property lines. For example, a 65 metre tower would have to be 80 metres rather than 75 metres away.

Under 2 megawatts - 150 metres

Allows for graduation of wind farm away from populated areas.

Up to 3.5 megawatts - 300 metres

Technology is improving and these machines get quieter and quieter.

Over 3.5 megawatts per turbine - 400 metres

Who knows what the future brings? Still, the experimenting with larger turbines must take place at least 1/4 mile from existing housing.

A graduated set of rules like this would be more complex but would be fairer and more realistic. Humans will be using the energy so we shouldn't be afriad of looking at (and, I know, listening to...) this beautiful, elegant and timeless way of harnessing clean power.

Regarding roads and railways, a more precise way of ensuring safety would consider the height of the tower. rather than setting an arbitrary rule of 120 metres, again a graduated approach may make more sense. All wind turbine towers must be a minimum of 60 metres from roads and railways, or a total distance equalling the height of the tower plus 20 metres. this way, a 35 metre tower could be 60 metres (proposed minimum) from a road or railway, but a 65 metre tower would have to be 85 metres from transportation hazards.

These are just ideas and I truly hope informed minds can shed some light on how Ontario can use experiences from nations with more windpower projects, and that a consensus will emerge. The confrontational approach has its moments, but wind energy development in Ontario is on the verge of becoming a multi-billion dollar industry, and revised, more progressive provincial legislation will still leave room for additional interpretation at the municipal and regional level.

Dozens of projects, billions in investment at risk, energy group says

New Turbine Regulations Threaten Onatrio Wind Power Projects


A majority of "construction ready" wind projects in Ontario won't go forward if the province passes regulations that keep wind turbines a minimum distance from residences, roads and railway lines, warns Canada's wind energy association.

Association president Robert Hornung, in a lengthy letter to Environment Minister John Gerretsen, said more than three-quarters of 103 advanced-stage wind projects will likely be affected if the new rules are enacted.

"The net effect is that 79 construction-ready projects representing 2,591 megawatts would either be rendered immediately non-viable or would require a complete `back to the drawing board' redesign," wrote Hornung.

The Canadian Wind Energy Association is concerned specifically about two proposed rules, one that would require turbines to be a minimum of 550 metres away from residences, and the other requiring turbines to be 120 metres or more away from roads, railway lines, and property lot lines.

Both rules were designed to satisfy health and safety concerns while creating a provincial standard that replaces a patchwork of municipal bylaws. Wind turbines emit noise, and some rural residents have complained that the massive machines are disrupting sleep and making people sick.

After surveying 25 wind developers in the province to assess the impact of the proposed rules, the wind association found that hundreds of wind turbines sited under current plans would automatically be in breach of the new regulations, putting dozens of projects and billions of dollars of investment at risk.

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